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Student Visa and 485 Work Visa Requirement Update

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  • Release time: 2024-03-21

Student Visa and 485 Work Visa Requirement Update

On 20 March 2024, the Australian Government changed the English language requirements for Student visa and Temporary Graduate visa. This new policy applies to all student (500) and temporary graduate visa (485) applications lodged on or after 23 March 2024.

1. Temporary Graduate Visa (TGV)

The minimum English score requirement for the Temporary Graduate Visa (485 visa) has been raised from 6.0 for an IELTS test score to 6.5 (or equivalent), with a minimum score of 5.5 for each test section (reading, writing, speaking and listening).

The validity of the English test has been reduced from 3 years to 1 year. TGV applicants are now required to provide relevant English language test materials to prove that they have completed an English language test within one year of the visa application date.

2. Student visa

The minimum IELTS score required for a student visa has been increased from 5.5 to 6(or equivalent), and the language requirement for a student visa requiring a language course has been increased from a minimum average score of 4.5 to 5.0, and IELTS 5.5(or equivalent) is required for students enrolled in a pre-university or bridging course. The requirements remain unchanged for Students in a read-only ELICOS (English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students) program.

At the same time, the original "Genuine Temporary Entrant" (GTE) declaration for Student visas has been replaced by a new "Genuine Student requirement" declaration. Applications submitted before 23 March 2024 that have not yet received a visa will not be affected. Applicants applying for the 590 Student Guardian Visa are still required to provide a GTE.

GS (Genuine Student requirement) will require applicants to answer the following questions in the 500 Visa Application form:

  1. A detailed description of the applicant's current situation, including relationship to family, community, employment, and financial status.

  2. Explain why the applicant wishes to study the course in Australia with that particular educational institution, including their understanding of the expected course requirements and study and life in Australia.

  3. Explain how the course you are applying for will benefit the applicant.

  4. Please specify any other relevant information that the applicant wishes to provide, such as the relevant documents of the funding sponsor, etc

  5. If the applicant is currently on a visa other than a 500 student visa (e.g. a 485 work visa), it is necessary to explain the reasons for submitting the student visa application, including why the applicant has changed plans and decided to study.

Details of the new language test for student visas are as follows:


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