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Partner Visa Process

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  • Release time: 2023-03-17

Partner Visa Process

If all the required information is included in your spousal visa application, it is possible for USCIS to process your application more quickly.

Log into your ImmiAccount and make sure you (and any dependents) have provided all the required documents. For faster completion of your medical treatment, you can also use the My Health Claim (MHD) service in ImmiAccount. Please fill in my health declaration form.

If you have already applied for a spousal visa, you may receive a telephone call from USCIS, which will give you more information to proceed with your application. Call times may not necessarily follow normal Australian working hours. Please be aware of fraud during the call, official immigration staff will identify themselves before asking for any information, and confirm that you are speaking to the appropriate person, ask them to confirm your file number or your application filing date.

Please be careful not to give out your credit card information, bank information, ImmiAccount password and other important private information, and be aware that the immigration office will not ask you to pay any fees over the phone.

Relevant website: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/news-media/archive/article?itemId=1034

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MARN: 1278397

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  • Mail: enquiry@ncmigrationservice.com
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