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Visitor Visa will Update New Condition

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  • Release time: 2024-03-21

Visitor Visa will Update New Condition

Since last year, the Australian government has taken a series of actions, reversing several pandemic-era policies introduced by the previous government. This includes re-imposing restrictions on international students' work hours and canceling the COVID-19 visa (subclass 408).

The Australian government will also change the English language requirements for student and graduate visas to enhance the quality of education for students and reduce potential work exploitation. The English language requirement for student visas will increase from IELTS 5.5 to 6.0, and for graduate visas, it will increase from IELTS 6.0 to 6.5. The government's power under section 97 of the ESOS Act will also be activated, giving the government the ability to suspend high-risk education providers from enrolling international students.

Australia will introduce a new "Genuine Student Test" to further combat international students who come to Australia on student visas but intend to work. This test will require students to answer questions about their study intentions and financial situations, as well as make further declarations.

To prevent individuals from exploiting the convenience of tourist visas to apply for student visas within Australia, thereby undermining the authenticity of student visa assessments, the government will add the "No Further Stay" condition (8503) to visitor visa. If applicants want to come to Australia as international students, they should apply for an offshore student visa.

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