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Successful Cases

Mr M was granted a 309 spouse visa in just over a month!


During the epidemic, Ms. B and Mr. M finally tied the knot in China after being separated for more than a year. Although Ms. B has signed up with other immigration companies, many unsuccessful situations occurred during the process, and she was unable to submit her visa for a long time. After a frank communication, we quickly determined the intention to handle it. Visa applications lodged within 2 weeks of signing the contract. It seems that there is a magical force to help Mr. M. In the environment where the official trial time is more than one year, Mr. M's application has passed the fast track and was approved for a 309 visa in just over a month.

After Mr. M's approval, many similar small families also hope that we can quickly process their applications. Each case has its particularities, and we do not promise that their luck will also happen to you, but we believe that through our joint efforts, your visa will definitely be better among similar applications, allowing visa The official felt that they had no doubts and could sign as soon as possible.

New Continent Immigration Service
MARN: 1278397

  • Address: 83 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW Australia 2250
  • Mail: enquiry@ncmigrationservice.com
  • Tel: +61 0406631335
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