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Successful Cases

After a lot of difficulties, Mr Z was finally approved for an 820 spouse visa with our help !


Mr. Z has not divorced his ex-wife due to property division, but has a daughter with his common-law spouse. After Mr. Z entered Australia, he once submitted a spouse visa application by himself, but since the cohabitation relationship was less than 12 months at the time, and Mr. Z was not divorced, he could not obtain the cohabitation relationship certificate, so the visa application was destined to be rejected. Due to the trial cycle, it has not yet been rejected. After we understood the situation, we tried our best to persuade Mr. Z to submit the second spouse immigration application, and at the same time withdraw the first application. Since the cohabitation relationship has met the 12-month requirement at the time of the second application, and the signed application has not been rejected, it becomes an approved spouse visa application. After a year of waiting, multiple supplementary materials, and a special reason exemption statement written by us, Mr. Z was successfully approved for the 820 visa.

New Continent Immigration Service
MARN: 1278397

  • Address: 83 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW Australia 2250
  • Mail: enquiry@ncmigrationservice.com
  • Tel: +61 0406631335
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