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Successful Cases

Ms. H obtained a permanent residency visa through the second pathway after experiencing domestic violence.


Ms. H submitted her spouse visa application three years ago. But the guarantor committed domestic violence. Due to privacy and cultural differences, Ms. H withdrew the domestic violence charge against the guarantor and did not attend the hearing, so she did not get the final domestic violence restraining order. After understanding the specific situation, we instructed Ms. H to obtain the certification materials recognized by the Immigration Bureau and obtain permanent residence through the second channel. In the application for spouse immigration, the termination of the relationship does not necessarily mean the refusal of the visa. In the case of domestic violence and children, if the lover still wishes to stay in Australia, he should try his best to restore the facts and strive for the possibility of staying.

New Continent Immigration Service
MARN: 1278397

  • Address: 83 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW Australia 2250
  • Mail: enquiry@ncmigrationservice.com
  • Tel: +61 0406631335
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