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Successful Cases

Mr. W successfully obtained permanent residency through the AAT!


In 2018, the 186 visa Transitional Stream was refused. Mr. W has worked for a restaurant in Canberra for 6-7 years and has joined in the early days of the restaurant's operations. The immigration agent who handled his application in the past miscalculated the training fee, resulting in a lack of payment of the training fee of 200 Australian dollars. After we found the problem, we recalculated and sorted out the financial data and found that there was indeed a shortage. Afterwards, he took the initiative to admit his mistake to AAT and paid the training contribution fee. Before the AAT court session, we conducted repeated trainings for Mr. W and his employer, explaining the AAT court session process, the questions that may be asked, the preferred answering method and answering attitude, etc., and explained and asked questions one by one. Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, the AAT was successfully passed, and Mr. W finally fulfilled his wish to get permanent residency.

New Continent Immigration Service
MARN: 1278397

  • Address: 83 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW Australia 2250
  • Mail: enquiry@ncmigrationservice.com
  • Tel: +61 0406631335
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