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444 Special Category Visa (SCV)

The 444 Special Category visa is a temporary visa prepared by the Australian government for New Zealand citizens, allowing them to travel, work, and study in Australia. There is no application fee for this visa. The eligibility criteria are:

  1. Applicant is a New Zealand citizen

  2. Applicant does not hold a visa with a "no further stay" condition

  3. Applicant is not a Behavior Concern Non-Citizen(BCNC)                 

    Definition of BCNC (Character Requirement)

  1. Individuals sentenced to death or at least one year of imprisonment, including those ordered to be confined in correctional facilities.

  2. Individuals convicted of two or more offenses and sentenced to at least one year of imprisonment.

  3. Individuals charged with a crime while mentally unsound and found guilty. This also includes cases where you were found not guilty due to mental unsoundness at the time of the crime.

  4. Individuals previously deported from Australia.

  5. Individuals previously deported from other countries.


  4. No adverse health conditions, particularly no tuberculosis.

Starting from July 1, 2023, New Zealand citizens who have resided in Australia for four years or more will be eligible to apply directly for Australian citizenship without needing to first obtain permanent residency. These changes apply to New Zealand citizens who arrived in Australia holding a Special Category (subclass 444) visa after February 26, 2001. Protected SCV holders will continue to be eligible to apply directly for Australian citizenship.

These changes only apply to citizenship applications submitted on or after July 1, 2023. Please confirm your eligibility on the day of application.

New Continent Immigration Service
MARN: 1278397

  • Address: 83 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW Australia 2250
  • Mail: enquiry@ncmigrationservice.com
  • Tel: +61 0406631335
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